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General information on environmental issues.
Weather and climate are distinguished by what? The time scale taken into account.
What would be the temperature of the Earth without an atmosphere? 18°
Which of these produced gases is not a greenhouse gas? O2
Which gas has the most powerful greenhouse effect? Water vapour
What is the CO2 level in the atmosphere? Less than 0.1%
Where does most of the CO2 emitted by humans go? the atmosphere
The surface of the Earth is covered with: 70% water
As it melts, what types of ice cause the waters to rise? mountain glaciers
What is the only current that makes unbroken circles around the whole Earth without touching the earth? Antarctica circumpolar Current
If the ocean warms, it will absorb less CO2
Which of the following loses the most ice each year ? Greenland
What % of heat has the ocean absorbed over the past 40 years ? 93%
In the mainstream press, when was the first mention that global warming was of human origin? 1912 in the Rodney and Otamatea Times, about burning coal
How has sea level risen since 1900 ? 10 to 20cm
Over the past 35 years, the sea ice surface has shrunk by 50%
Which country emits the most greenhouse gases ? United States
Which country has the most greenhouse gas emissions PER CAPITA? australia
Worldwide, the transport sector is responsible for a certain amount of total greenhouse gas emissions. But how much? 14%
The energy and electricity production sector is the main source of CO2 emissions by humans. What's the second? Deforestation
Agriculture is responsible for global deforestation up to: 80%
In terms of transport, what action would have the greatest impact ? Improve aircraft efficiency
At the current rate of consumption worldwide, 3 billion barrels of oil are consumed in: One month
In terms of food, which solution is the most effective ? Eat less meat
What percentage of the world's population lives near the coast ? 40%
What percentage of the earth's surface is covered by cities and urban areas ? 3%
Which of these activities reduces a human carbon footprint the most ? Lower the heating setpoint by 1°C